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What darning prowess! I am in awe of your repair job on those socks. . .
Congrats on finishing your SockPal socks--even if you didn't capture Olympic gold. How nice to be done with those already! *And I LOVE your Bode Miller button--ha,ha,ha!


Woo!! It has been saved! and looks awesome! ::hugs:: so super excited! the blue socks look great as well! ::dances about sockless, but gleeful::


I LOVE the sexy goth socks. Where did you get the pattern? Enjoy them!


Awesome job on your sockapaloooza socks! And what a great repair job too. AND Dad's scarf looks terrific. What fun and fabulous knits!


Wow - that reparing looks great!


Wow, I am very impressed with the finished product, but even more imrpessed with the repair efforts!! You are one fearless knitter!


Congrats on your first socks. Welcome to the Dark Side. :)

But I'm even more impressed at your darning skills. That is a lost art.


Most impressive sock surgery! And I like the color of your sockapaloooza socks. I didn't even need to be appeased with the cute baby and kitty pics, but it was a nice bonus. ;)


So, not only did you complete wonderful socks for your pal, but you also made your debut as sock surgeon! And none of this intern or resident nonsense for you - you jumped straight into the attending position - good for you!! Seriously, you did a GREAT job!!


Your socks are wonderful. And learning to repair things is a dying art! I am constantly bringing damaged/holey things home from colleagues at work. They are amazed and I love to fix the things and see the look on their faces! They think I'm some sort of magician. I usually give the lecture about how moths love dirty wool fiber - can't help myself. Cheers!

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