Well, I didn't make it. And, like Bode Miller, I didn't really try that hard. I DID finish my dad's scarf, one of my sister's socks, and my sockapalOOOza socks:
Here they are in all their flat, unblocked glory.
And here they are on my little feets! Hooray, these are my first ever completed sox!!!
I do like them, and I think my sockapal will be happy (in May...). But the Trekking yarn, while fascinating to knit with and nifty in color, is definitely Scratchy Wool. We'll see if they soften up in the wash. The Lorna's Laces in my sister's sock definitely got softer after washing. Still, I will be excited to try my STR!!!
Now, you remember that evil little hole in my sister's sock? Well, Claudia gave me some advice on how to fix it. The answer? Unweave the loose ends until they are long enough to darn with, put the live stitches on dpn's, and kitchener it all together with a new piece of yarn. Then darn the 4 ends in. So, we go from this:
To this:
To this:
Can't hardly tell where I repaired it! Woo hoo! I was so excited, I put on the sock and danced around and posed in it. Hooray! Mission Accomplished! One super sexy sock!
But, alas, upon removing the sock, I found.... another hole!!!!
See the loose stitches where the heel starts? That is a hole, my friends. So, surgery commenced again.
Doctor, is the patient prepped? Yes, the initial incision is made:
Now for the surgery. Give me a purple suture, stat!
But doctor, will it leave a scar? Will I be marked for life? Well, there will be a little scar, but you'll be stronger than ever.
If you've made it down this far into the post, you deserve a gratuitous baby shot:
This is Alec saying "o" and pointing to the O.
But wait! There's more! If you act now, you can get a free cute kitty shot!
Mia disguising herself a la ET, in the stuffed animal basket.
Now how much would you pay?
What darning prowess! I am in awe of your repair job on those socks. . .
Congrats on finishing your SockPal socks--even if you didn't capture Olympic gold. How nice to be done with those already! *And I LOVE your Bode Miller button--ha,ha,ha!
Posted by: Amanda | February 27, 2006 at 08:23 PM
Woo!! It has been saved! and looks awesome! ::hugs:: so super excited! the blue socks look great as well! ::dances about sockless, but gleeful::
Posted by: Sam | February 28, 2006 at 06:14 AM
I LOVE the sexy goth socks. Where did you get the pattern? Enjoy them!
Posted by: Laura | February 28, 2006 at 03:42 PM
Awesome job on your sockapaloooza socks! And what a great repair job too. AND Dad's scarf looks terrific. What fun and fabulous knits!
Posted by: alison | March 06, 2006 at 12:44 PM
Wow - that reparing looks great!
Posted by: Linz | March 07, 2006 at 10:55 AM
Wow, I am very impressed with the finished product, but even more imrpessed with the repair efforts!! You are one fearless knitter!
Posted by: gail | March 07, 2006 at 12:10 PM
Congrats on your first socks. Welcome to the Dark Side. :)
But I'm even more impressed at your darning skills. That is a lost art.
Posted by: Diane | March 07, 2006 at 05:12 PM
Most impressive sock surgery! And I like the color of your sockapaloooza socks. I didn't even need to be appeased with the cute baby and kitty pics, but it was a nice bonus. ;)
Posted by: Laura | March 07, 2006 at 10:26 PM
So, not only did you complete wonderful socks for your pal, but you also made your debut as sock surgeon! And none of this intern or resident nonsense for you - you jumped straight into the attending position - good for you!! Seriously, you did a GREAT job!!
Posted by: Dani | March 09, 2006 at 05:03 PM
Your socks are wonderful. And learning to repair things is a dying art! I am constantly bringing damaged/holey things home from colleagues at work. They are amazed and I love to fix the things and see the look on their faces! They think I'm some sort of magician. I usually give the lecture about how moths love dirty wool fiber - can't help myself. Cheers!
Posted by: Anne | March 11, 2006 at 07:49 AM